Tips for Truck Driving During the Holiday Season

Long haul drivers take on the big task of making sure all those holiday shipments, packages and orders are fulfilled throughout the holiday season. This may mean drivers are spending time away from their families on or during the holidays, which can become quite lonely. It’s their dedication and long hours working that allow us to send and receive orders in time. And here at Tri-National we are thinking about the drivers working during this time of year and want to share a few ideas to help brighten those long days and nights on the road.
Have some fun and soak in the holiday cheer with a few ideas to stay in contact with family, keep busy and stay safe while away from home.
1. Stay In Touch with Family
Today’s technology has created an abundant number of ways to stay connected with family, from Skype and FaceTime video calls to shared playlists and voice recordings. There’s no need to be lonely when family is only a phone call away, but be sure to install your hands-free devices before heading out and use them while on the road.
2. Listen to Some Holiday Songs
As mentioned, shared playlists are a great away to feel close to family and feel more of the holiday spirit. Perhaps try adding your favorite artists and holiday jams, songs that remind you of your children and/or spouse to your custom playlist.
3. Bring Snacks from Home
We all have our favorite holiday treats and just because you’re working doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them too. Pack your favorites like Grandma’s gingerbread cookies, honey ham slices, sugar cookies or whatever brings you back to that happy holiday feeling and reminds you of home.
4. Buckle Up
Remember to wear your seat belt when operating your vehicle. The winter season can cause hazardous road conditions due to heavy snow and ice, so it’s always smart to buckle up to stay safe.
5. Avoid Impaired Drivers
It’s important to not only keep an eye on the road, but the other vehicles around you. Report drunk drivers to 911 if you notice erratic breaking, weaving between lanes, driving along the centerline, and extreme wide turns as these may indicate impaired driving. A call can save lives.
6. Be Aware of Blind Spots
Unsafe merges and lane changes can lead to accidents, so pay attention to the road at all times. Driving the posted speed limit, allowing plenty of room for stopping and looking in all directions will keep you and other drivers safe.
7. Leave Early
It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the route you will be traveling. Bring accurate directions, GPS systems and avoid unfamiliar back roads if possible. Also, try leaving early in the day and continually reading and listen to traffic reports in order to avoid peak traffic and congestion times.
8. Don’t Be Distracted
Be patient with yourself and others while on the road this holiday season. A lot may be swirling through your mind but try to avoid getting distracted by what’s going on inside your vehicle. Be present and attentive to what’s going on around your vehicle.
9. Check the Weather Forecast
Take some time before leaving each day to read the upcoming weather reports so you can prepare your vehicle (and yourself) for the trip ahead. Take the proper supplies, clear your roof and windows of snow and ice for better visibility and plan to take breaks accordingly.
10. Don’t Overdo It
The holidays can be a great time to pick up some extra work, but be mindful of pushing yourself past your limit. It’s important to take breaks and sleep as much as needed. Your safety and the safety of others is the foremost concern.
If you are interested in the challenging and very rewarding lifestyle of truck driving, we encourage you to contact Tri-National and apply for an open position. Tri-National supports it's drivers with flexible home time so you can create the schedule that works best for you. Also, Tri-National provides driver with excellent health benefits, paid vacation and bonus programs.