Minor Adjustments, Major Profits

As the nation is recovering and reviving from 2020 and the shutdowns caused by COVID-19, we have entered full steam ahead into a “Truckers Market.” There is a high demand for trucking companies to move freight, as well as, a high demand for drivers rolling and delivering the goods. We just have to retool our mindset to meet the needs and growing demands the supply chain is currently under.
As a driver, times like this offer a real opportunity to make extra cash by simply making just a few adjustments and taking a few extra steps. You will find that could be very rewarding!
1. TNi offers the greatest home time in the industry, we already know that. This is one of the small adjustments a driver can make to bring home more money for them & their family. If a Driver normally takes 10-14 days off, they can take a day or 2 less at home and increase their pay by quite a bit. Let’s say a Driver trims 2 days to help meet the industry needs, and, say, there’s a 500 mile a day average, that is an added $235.00 per day that Driver can earn! That would go a LONG way for Christmas! Believe it or not, it’s closer than you realize...LOL
2. Drivers, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE DRIVER REFERRAL BONUS!!! This is EASY money! If you are not familiar with the way it works, get with any Terminal Manager or your Driver Manager to find out the details. You have the potential to earn up to $3,500 per Driver you refer! Again, easy money, and here’s something to think about: the more drivers we have the easier it is to commit to new freight from new customers (not broker freight) and allow us to develop a relationship with these customers to where we could potentially work in more drop & hook freight! Everyone likes money and every driver loves drop & hook freight!
3. Stay out and run until you get the miles in the allotted time frame to obtain your Safety bonus! I see Drivers “throw away” that money by going home just a week shy of the time they may need to reach that mileage! Contrary to the old mindset, TNi WANTS you to get that money!!!
Guys & Gals, here at TNi, I have seen some of the best Drivers in the industry. I have seen MANY step up to help when asked or when needed, but seldom times in the workforce can people step up and it mutually benefits both the employees, the company AND their fellowman. But this is one of those unique times. As always, THANK YOU for the hard work you do each & every day!